Sutton Court Freemasons Lodge 7826
Sutton Court Freemasons Lodge 7826

What does it cost to become a Freemason? Is it expensive? Will I be able to afford it?
Keep reading as you may find it costs less than you think.
Firstly, let us dispel the myth that you have to be well-off to become a Freemason. Absolutely not true.
What happens if you decide you’d like to consider joining the
Croydon Chantry Lodge?
There is an initial interview process that you will be asked to participate in. Don’t worry, it’s
nothing too strenuous. This is a two-stage process, initially carried out in a relaxed congenial
atmosphere, usually by the Membership Secretary, over a drink and a light snack.
This is where the relationship begins. You will have explained what Freemasonry all is about,
and likewise for you to tell us why you want to join Croydon Chantry Lodge. There is no
commitment at this stage. This will take upwards of an hour, and you will be asked to go
away and give it some thought. We never pressure any applicant to make a commitment on
the spot, rather to ensure they arrive at the decision that’s right for them.
If you decide to go ahead and wish to join us, great, we will then arrange a more formal
interview with a small panel of 4-5 senior Brethren. Don’t worry, it may be formal but it’s
friendly, so just be yourself. If your happy to proceed in joining, you will be asked to complete
a form and a member of the panel will propose you and another second you.
This process from start to finish can take about 6 months, where, during this time, the
Membership Secretary will keep in regular contact with you so you both get to know each
other, and that you feel comfortable to move onto the second stage. You can withdraw your
application at any time if you change your mind.
When and where do you meet?
We hold four formal Lodge meetings each year as well as regular Lodge of Instruction
meetings each Monday evening at the Croydon Masonic Centre.
The four Lodge meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday in January, April, June, and October
each year. They normally start around 4.00-4.30pm, but you’ll get plenty of advance notice
from the secretary. After the formal meeting, we normally enjoy a relaxing drink in the bar
before sitting down for our Festive Board, which is quite an occasion in itself, and not to be
missed if you’re attending the Lodge meeting. It usually consists of a four-course meal with wine. We usually finish the Festive Board around 9.00pm where we toast “Absent Brethren”
– our traditional closing of our masonic activities of the day.
What is it going to cost me, and am I able to afford it?
This is not an unusual question, and one we encourage you to ask.
There are various one-off fees payable before you join, which includes a Joining fee of £40.00
and an Initiation fee also of £40.00. There is a fee to Provincial Grand Lodge (Surrey) and
United Grand Lodge, which in the region of £100.00. In total these amount to just under
£200.00 as a one-off payment.
What are the annual subscriptions of Croydon Chantry Lodge?
Croydon Chantry fees for 2021 starting 1st January are as follows:
− Full Membership - £150.00 per year
− Dining fees for Members and Guests are around £32-£35.00 per meal
including wine
Paying fees has never been simpler and is designed to give members as many options
as possible and spread the cost over the year.
You can pay by BACS transfer in one sum at the beginning of the Lodge year (1st
January) or by regular monthly or quarterly standing orders on a date agreed with the
If you wish, you may pay by cheque on or around the 1st January each year. We still
accept good old-fashioned cash as an alternative if that suites you better.
I don’t live in Surry, am I still able to join Croydon Chantry Lodge?
Where you choose to live is not an issue. Our membership is spread across the UK. However
more of our members live within an easy drive or commute to Croydon Masonic Centre,
which is close to West and East Croydon rail and bus stations and the tram stops are close
by. So traveling from Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Berkshire, and the Greater London area is not a
Joining Croydon Chantry Lodge doesn’t mean you have to live in or around Croydon. You just
need to consider your travelling to our four meetings during the year and regular Lodge of
Instruction (LOI) meetings usually held on a Monday evening. More recently we have been
holding regular monthly ZOOM meetings so everyone, including joining members can keep in
contact. This is a great way to make new friends and build lasting relationships.
Do we have a ‘dress code’?
Protocol requests that members wear a dark lounge suit, shirt with a white collar, a black tie,
and black shoes.
In time, certain items of regalia will be required, which initially will not be expensive, and
often, there is the opportunity to buy used regalia at very little cost.
From time to time, many Lodges have a special evening, or daytime event, specifically to
raise money for charity. You will never be pressurised into attending them or to donate
money at these events if you are unable to, or prefer not to.However, it is hoped that you will participate in the Lodge’s efforts to raise money for the
various charities we adopt.
Freemasons are encouraged to donate money to charity, dependent upon their means. You
will never be pressurised, and some Lodges will not ask you at all, as giving to charity is a
matter for your own conscience.
You’ve read this far – Still interested in joining Freemasonry?
If you have any questions not answered by this page, please feel free to contact the
Membership Secretary by email: ensuring to
include a contact telephone number, and a preferred email address so we can follow-up
contact with you
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